Brand Guide
& Assets

This document contains the rules for our visual communication system. Follow these rules strictly to maintain brand consistency. This includes all of the elements you may need—logos, typefaces, colors, and more—to create a consistent tone, look, and feel for Gauge and NXTLab materials.

We invite you to absorb this information and reference it often to become an informed keeper of the brand.


The core palette will cover the majority of your needs. It’s intentionally small in variety so as to not dilute the brand visuals, which adds confusion.

HEX: #40556F
RGB: 64, 85, 111
CMYK: 42, 23, 0, 56

HEX: #081a2b
RGB: 8, 26, 43
CMYK: 90, 77, 54, 68

HEX: #EF3E54
RGB: 239, 62, 84
CMYK: 0, 91, 60, 0

HEX: #65CBE4
RGB: 101, 203, 228
CMYK: 55, 10, 0, 10

HEX: #43BBA4
RGB: 67, 187, 164
CMYK: 68, 1, 45, 0

HEX: #F8CD82
RGB: 248, 205, 130
CMYK: 2, 20, 56, 0

RGB: 246, 246, 234
CMYK: 0, 0, 4, 3


We have selected families that are legible, flexible, and usable for the wide range of deliverables we provide out clients. The two fonts below should be the dominantly used typefaces for most uses with other secondary fonts being used sparingly. GT America is our headline font. It should be used for all headers and H1 needs. Neue Haas Grotesk is a clean sans font that is easily read and versatile. 


Coming soon